Empowering Female Leadership in the Australian Rice Industry

To celebrate International Women’s Day the Australian rice industry held a Women in Rice Forum to help empower female leadership and build a stronger, more diverse Australian rice industry.

The event, held in Melbourne on 9-10 March 2023, saw a cohort of female rice growers, industry professionals and current leaders come together to learn about leadership in the Australian rice industry and beyond.

The event organiser, Ainsley Massina from the Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia (RGA), was incredibly pleased with the success of the event.

“The Women in Rice event focused on bringing together our female growers to network, connect and learn from each other, with a focus on leadership and what it means to step into a directorship role.”

“Since Friday I have received lots of positive feedback from participants, they left feeling empowered to pursue leadership in our industry and to help support each other.”

“This was the first event in the 2023-26 ‘Building Capacity in the Australian Rice Industry Project’ which is also supported by the whole industry. The project will facilitate a series of opportunities for rice growers and industry professionals to help build an efficient and productive rice industry” said Ms Massina.

Riverina rice grower Hayley Sergi thoroughly enjoyed the forum. “I came home from the event feeling empowered by the presenters. The message that I heard very clearly was we all face challenges when we find the courage to step out of our comfort zone, however, there is great support and mentoring available.”

CEO of Rice Breeding Australia Dr Georgina Pengilley found the forum very beneficial, “Women in rice program allowed me to connect with female growers from across the Riverina. It was invaluable to understand the breadth of capability that we have collectively and be able to support each other through our leadership journey.”

Murrami rice grower Katherine Herrmann said, “It was Inspiring and well run, bringing together a great network of intelligent, capable women in our sector.”

The Women in Rice Forum was facilitated by the RGA through the Building Capacity in the Australian Rice Industry Project, which is supported by the RGA, AgriFutures Australia, SunRice Group and the Rice Marketing Board of NSW.

For media enquiries contact:

Pip Connolly, Communications Manager
0488 071 165   pconnolly@rga.org.au