Become a Member

    ​​The Ricegrowers' Association of Australia provides a strong, united voice for rice growers and industry supporters, representing them on issues affecting the viability and sustainability of their businesses, the industry and their regional communities.

    There are many benefits to becoming a member of the RGA. Membership Benefits include:

    • Relationships - maintains key relationships with industry partners, peak bodies and government agencies
    • Representation - policy based advocacy through consultation with members
    • Knowledge -  facilitates information sharing with rice growers, researchers and industry experts, communities and the education sector
    • Access to leadership and scholarship programs
    • Member discounts to RGA’s events, eg Annual Conference 

    Anyone who supports the rice industry can become a member of the Ricegrowers' Association of Australia. You can see how the RGA advocates on behalf of our members and their communities here

    If you'd like to discuss becoming a member of the Ricegrowers' Association or have any questions contact our office on 02 6953 0433. Alternatively, you can contact our Communications Manager direct on 0488 071 165 or email


    Industry Supporter

    This membership is for individuals only

    An Industry Supporter is someone with an interest in the rice industry. They include people who work in or support the rice-growing industry, such as retired growers, agronomists, bankers, students, teachers, or people who own businesses in rice-growing communities. (No Voting Right) Industry Supporter membership is $125.45 + G.S.T. for 12 months. (Total $138).

    AUD 125.45 / 12 months
    Full Producer Member

    A Full Producer Member is a person or a corporate entity with a financial interest in a rice growing farm enterprise. A Full Producer Member can nominate additional members. An Additional Member is linked to a Full Producer Member because they have a proprietorial or financial interest in the Full Producer Member's rice growing farm enterprise, or are employed by the Full Producer Member as a Manager of a rice growing property. Additional members can include partners, parents, children, and farm managers.  A 12-month Full Producer Membership is $558.18 + G.S.T. (Total $614). Each Additional Membership is $125.45 + G.S.T. (Total $138).

    AUD 558.18 / 12 months