The Ricegrowers' Association of Australia (RGA) is the collective voice of rice growers in Australia. The RGA represents voluntary members, and supports growers on issues affecting the viability of their business and communities. Rice production is one of the most important agricultural activities on the planet – more than half the people in the world eat rice at least once a day. In Australia we can produce enough rice annually to feed more than 20 million people, 365 days a year.
Uniting Australian rice growers: 1930 – 1950
The RGA was formed in 1930 during the early years of the rice industry, turning a small group of pioneering rice growers into an effective and cohesive force.
After the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area Ricegrowers’ Cooperative Society suffered severe financial losses at the hands of Sydney and Melbourne based rice milling companies, disillusioned growers met in Leeton and disbanded the Cooperative. In its place they formed the RGA, an association designed to protect their interests and investigate ways to secure the future prosperity of the rice industry.
Initially, the RGA focused on building infrastructure to enable growers to mill and market their own rice. It was instrumental in the development of the Ricegrowers’ Cooperative in 1950 (now better known as SunRice) and the Leeton rice mill which opened the following year.
The RGA today
The RGA provides a strong, united voice for the rice industry, which now includes growers in the Murrumbidgee and New South Wales Murray valleys. We represent the interests of rice growers, and provide services to members, to ensure they can provide a legacy for their children, create employment in their districts and grow quality rice.
With rice still the mainstay of many Riverina towns today, it is important that the RGA members have strong and effective representation in our key policy areas of Water, Environmental Sustainability, Productivity and Industry Affairs.
The RGA is a member of the National Farmers Federation, National Irrigators Council, NSW Irrigators Council, Plant Health Australia, and the Associations Forum.
Our Strategic Plan 2022 - 2026
Our vision
A prosperous & progressive rice industry in Australia.
Our Purpose
- Represent and advocate for the interests of all rice growers in Australia and their communities
- Add value to members and their business
- Provide leadership and coordination
- Provide accurate and unbiased information
Our Values
- Integrity
- Leadership
- Innovation & progressive
- Equality in collaboration & representation
- Environmental stewardship
Read our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan here.
View our industry stakeholder map here.