Important Information for RGA Members

Online E-Learning Programs available to all members.

For more information click HERE.

Time Management workshop: ACCESS LEARNING MODULE HERE

Communication Skills workshop: ACCESS LEARNING MODULE HERE

Public Speaking workshop: ACCESS LEARNING MODULE HERE

Upcoming RGA Leadership Programs

How to be an effective committee member and how to run an effective meeting – this will be a one day workshop available to RGA members and the boarder community. This program will be running early 2021.

Save the Date: SunRice Grower of the Year Field Day 

Date: 10 December 2020

Location: Leeton

A celebration of excellence and chance to learn about the farming practices of the SunRice Grower of the Year, Peter and Erin Draper.

This includes recent redevelopments which have seen a drastic reduction in the number of rice bays and rollover bank, less layouts, allowing for run lengths of over 1km creating machinery efficiencies.   

Jan Cathcart Scholarship 

Applications close 16 November 2020.
SunRice is calling for women of the future for the rice industry, with applications for the 2021 Jan Cathcart Scholarship closing this month.
Valued at up to $30,000 to fund tertiary studies, the scholarship offers numerous opportunities, from financial support to work experience and employment placements with SunRice and professional and personal growth. 
2018 Jan Cathcart Scholar, Annabel Arnold, who is undertaking a two year graduate program with SunRice says the work experience she gained through the scholarship opened her eyes to future job prospects:
“The program is very dynamic in the fact that you get to work with the cross functional teams and is really allowing me to see the other side of rice, giving me as much exposure to the business as possible to help determine where my eventual fit might be.”

Click HERE to read a Q&A with Annabel, 2018 Scholar Annabel Arnold, from a rice farm at Berrigan, and 2019 Scholar Emily Fasham from a rice farm at Wakool.

For more information and to apply by 16 November, click HERE

Extension of due date to complete chemical user training refresher course

Pesticide users who have completed initial accreditation training, but were due to complete their short five-yearly refresher course on or after 1 March 2020, now have until 21 April 2021 to complete a refresher course.
More information is available by contacting the Environment Line on 131 555 or emailing [email protected]

Deniliquin Kolety Lagoons Landcare Walk

Date: 8th November 2020

Time: 9.00 am

The Lagoon Walk will include a guided tour with Dr John Conallin (Freshwater fish researcher) and Dan Hutton (Environmental Land Management Consultant) beginning at Burchfield Lagoon in Deniliquin.  Registrations are essential as numbers are limited.  For more information contact Erika Heffer Local Landcare Coordinator on 0438719628 or the group at [email protected]. Cost: Free


SAVE THE DATE: Murray Landcare Collective Meeting, Deniliquin  

Date: 17th February 2021

Time: 10.00 am- 12.30 pm

The Murray Landcare Collective is represented by community based, not for profit, Landcare, agriculture, producer and environmental groups across the Murray region. Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia will host this meeting in Deniliquin. For more information contact Paula Sheehan, Regional Landcare Coordinator on 0407 873 396 or [email protected]

Exploring Beyond Diesel 3, Online 

Date: 11 November 2020

Time: 1.00 pm- 4.30 pm

Take a break with the NSW Primary Industries Climate Change Research Strategy to explore low or zero carbon fuel options and see what is possible. To register click HERE. COST: Free 

Soil Carbon: Climate Solutions Right Under Our Feet, Online

Date: 12th November 2020 

Time: 7.00 pm - 8.30 pm 

The Royal Society of Victoria presents Dr Samantha Grover as she explores the possibilities of soil carbon. From microbial processes to global policy settings, she will discuss how carbon moves from the atmosphere into soils, how land management can increase or decrease the stores of carbon in our soils and how we, as food consumers, can adjust the settings in our food systems to help achieve net zero emissions in our lifetimes. Follow the Facebook live presentation HERE. COST: Free

National Agriculture Day 

Date: 20th November 2020

This National Agriculture Day, Australians everywhere are encouraged to host an AgDay Long Table Lunch by getting the family or community together in a COVID safe way and celebrate the everyday extraordinary efforts of our farmers. For more information about AgDay and how you can get involved click HERE.   

The Break: Recording of October 2020 Seasonal Climate Update

Recorded on Friday 16 October 2020 is a recording from Agriculture Victoria's seasonal risk agronomist Dale Grey, providing the latest insight into the seasonal forecast for southern New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania. Access the recording HERE.

The Break is delivered as short videos summarising oceanic and atmospheric climate drivers and the summarised model predictions for rainfall and temperature. For more information click here

Plains-wanderer conservation tender in the Murray Riverina 

Applications close 30 November 2020

The Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) is launching a conservation tender to help landholders protect and manage habitat for the endangered Plains-wanderer. The BCT are seeking interest from landholders with at least 100ha of primary Plains-wanderer habitat on their property in the project area. This tender will provide annual payments to successful landholders who commit to long-term conservation agreements and is designed to work in tandem with other existing programs for recovery of the Plains-wanderer. View information via the BCT website and on the fact sheet.

Paddocks for plains-wanderers 

Applications open 

A new round of incentives is available for landholders with plains-wanderer habitat on their properties to assist them manage grassland habitat for plains-wanderer conservation. Funding is available for: grazing management (includes stock-proof fencing, watering points); feeding mechanisms (includes saltbush planting, stock management areas and lick feeders or feed trailers); boxthorn control; fox and rabbit control. For more information read the incentives guidelines HERE.

Work, Health and Safety on Farm

With 2 farm related fatalities across the Riverina in recent weeks in timely to remember to take some time to reflect how aware you and your staff are of the potential risks of injury from operating equipment that needs repair and other on-farm hazards. Stress from the meeting critical cropping windows and fatigue from irrigating can lead to corners being cut to get the job done.
As rice farms have very few quiet times several WHS experts suggest that developing WHS policies and procedures will take some time. They recommend a seasonal approach, focusing WHS policy development just prior harvest, planting and or key livestock handling times.
If you own or operate a farm in NSW, or work on one, you may be eligible for a safety rebate. For more information,  click HERE 
As an owner or operator, you'll be eligible for two rebates totalling up to $2000. You'll get a rebate of up to:
$2,000 for the purchase of a Side by Side Vehicle
$600 for an Operator Protection Device
$500 for a drone
$90 for a helmet

SafeWork NSW has a range of documents that can assist. They can be found HERE.